I'm new to blogging and I have to admit, until a few days ago, I hadn't even read many except when I was sent specific links. So, what am I doing here? Well, I was told blogging would be good for me. The problem I had was trying to figure out what to write about. I would be happy to talk about my three beautiful girls and all the stories I've accumulated with them over the years...but they might not like that. :)
Luckily, I do have some photographs and tidbits about traveling that don't involve ruining my kids' lives...well not too much anyway. Hopefully, I'll post a photo or share a story from somewhere you would like to go or maybe even one where you've been.
So, I guess that explains the traveling part of my blog name...as for the leprechaun part, it was just another hint to everyone who loves me that one day, I hope to get to Ireland.
I couldn't pick a favorite place to start with, so I chose one of my husband's favorite places in the world, Lake Tahoe, California.
These were taken on a relatively clear day, December 18th, 2012 and the snow was still clinging to the branches.
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